Indian Hill Ranch RV Park Group Rental Agreement and Deposit Receipt Indian Hill Ranch does hereby agree to rent the space commonly known as Twin Lakes with restrooms, lakes, tables & barbecues to:________________________________________________________________________ Represented by __________________________________________ its ________________ . The dates of the rental begin at ____________ on the _____________________________. The rental terminates at _____________ on the __________________________________ . Receipt of a deposit of $350.00 is hereby acknowledged. This receipt is refundable under the following circumstances: 1. Reservation is cancelled 90 days or more in advance of the beginning date. 2. Restrooms are undamaged and reasonably clean. 3. Grounds are left free of trash and disposable objects are placed in trash trailer or bins. 4. Grounds equipment including sprinklers, picnic tables, barbecues, water hydrants, electric boxes, are in same condition as upon arrival. 5. There is no vandalism against vegetation, lakes, fences, or other natural features. APPROVAL OF FACILITIES: Customers have inspected the grounds and find them suitable for their intended use. FEES:
ADDITIONAL RANCH SERVICES: 1. Water Truck $60 per hour, Yes_____ NO_____ 2. Porta Potti $85 per day, Quantity________ 3. Large fire ring $50 per day, Yes_____ NO_____ 4. Propane: Market price ____________ Customer agrees to obey the Rules and Regulations of the Ranch and a copy has been provided. Customer: Name___________________________________________________ Address for refund__________________________________________________ Signature X______________________________________ Date _____________ Accepted __________________________________________ Date ___________ |